Haflinger Canada - Woolmark Certification

HAFLINGER products carry the official Woolmark certification. The Woolmark license allows us to use the Woolmark logo as an independent quality endorsement. 

Trusted by manufacturers and consumers across the world, products approved by Woolmark must meet or exceed stringent requirements backed up by rigorous testing by independent authorized laboratories.

Fine Wool is the ultimate natural fibre and premier ingredient in luxury apparel. The Woolmark certification mark guarantees that our products conform to a set of high standards providing confidence to consumers that a quality product is being bought. 

It guarantees that the product is made of 100% pure new wool and signifies the quality of wool used. Pure new wool, also called virgin wool, is made with wool that has not been reused or blended with other fibers. 

As far as we have been informed, HAFLINGER is thus far the only footwear company in the world to have been granted Woolmark certification. 

